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Would you like to review or provide feedback on your experience of Close Brothers Invoice Finance? Reviews are at the bottom of this page and links to some interesting articles and blogs below.

It is probably fair to say that if you are looking for a provider of invoice finance there are better options out there in terms of pricing, structure of facilities and customer service levels. In terms of reputation there are also better options in our opinion. The reviews however will speak for themselves so please take a look at them and feel free to contribute your own experiences.

Close Brothers Invoice Finance are part of Close Brothers Group Plc and provide invoice finance solutions to over 1,000 clients. They are a national player with full UK coverage. They also offer invoice finance facilities in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

They are one of the larger independent invoice finance companies with offices in Brighton, Manchester, Dublin and Belfast.

In our opinion, more common complaints about Close Brothers Invoice Finance include their lack of flexibility, charges such as minimum base rates, their arrogant approach and some people have described them as ‘unapproachable’.

Complaints below highlight their attitude, the poor quality of their system and the high fees some clients are charged for funding which is often restricted.

Read more:

An independent blog post about Close Brothers putting a business into administration – click here

Article on Close Brothers Invoice Finance pricing – click here

Article regarding a restrictive facility structure – click here

Trustpilot makes for some interesting reading – click here

It also appears there is a blog dedicated to Close Brothers – click here

Close Brothers also feature in an article on complaints about wealth management companies where it states, “Close Brothers also features on the list with 169 complaints, but its complaints are related mostly to banking and credit with none related to investments.” While this is not linked directly to the invoice finance arm of Close Brothers we find it interesting as it gives a feel for the overall organisation and what they might feel is acceptable. For the article – click here

An extract from one Trustpilot review reads, “AVOID AVOID AVOID….

When making a complaint no manager or person of authority bothered to speak to me directly then they say they are just closing my complaint down, when I said I’m not satisfied with the outcome, you don’t expect a large company such as this to just ignore customers, in my opinion this company is slimy and deceptive and lack the ability to treat customers fairly.

I’ll wait for the standard message they send saying they are sorry I feel this way, if they were sorry they would of dealt with my issue when they had the chance.


If you would like to share your experiences of Close Brothers Invoice Finance please feel free to do so but please try to be objective and refrain from abusive remarks.

8 Responses to “Close Brothers Invoice Finance Reviews and Complaints”

  1. ….Was it just a year ago that Close Invoice Finance opened their Birmingham operational centre in a blaze of publicity. No doubt there will be far less publicity now that they have decided to close it with the inevitable redundancies..In an effort to slash costs we hear that the Manchester operation centre is also being closed with the decision being taken in the same month as the announcement that Ian Steward had been appointed Managing Director of Close Invoice Finance in the North. .Were not quite sure what he is Managing Director of now…..

  2. I have experienced nothing but hardship during the very short time I have had to deal with CLOSE INVOICE FINANCE!!!! I have never encountered a financial institution that has been so difficult to work with. As a Financial Manager it became an extremely concerning part of my daily routine.

    They are prohibitive, non commercial and furthermore just down right arrogant in there customer care.

    They lack of understanding and knowledge of simple day to day trading circumstances is nothing short of astounding. I for one would never ever recommend these to anyone. Horrendous is my experience!!!!

    I just cannot understand how a company of this so called stature can even offer the services they do.

    I would really like going forward to try and establish a forum for the many others that have experienced what I have.

    If you support this please respond now by voicing your disapproval!!!

    • You are so right ! Corporate Bullies is what they are, £187k of charges in ten months !!! Rude Boys of the highest order.

  3. Our invoice finance facility with Close nearly strangled our business. We entered into the facility so we could pay drivers and our fuel company. Rather than getting 85% prepayment, restrictions meant we only got about 30% while paying through the nose for it. Thankfully we moved to a proper bank and now receive full funding at 90%. Moving away from them was the best thing I did. If you are thinking of using Close don’t bother!!

  4. Our dealings with Close Brothers Invoice Finance have been nothing but frustrating.

    I find them arrogant and would in some instances question their honesty. We have had instances where they agree one thing and then simply do as they wish. They are rigid, inflexible and unapproachable.

    In terms of the invoice finance market there are lenders that can do what Close do cheaper and better.

    Consider your options carefully.

  5. We had a client which accounted for 50% of our ledger. Close made our life a misery. Thankfully we found an alternative lender that was far more flexible. I would not recommend Close Brothers Invoice Finance.

  6. We have had the same experiences with Close invoice finance as all the complainers have said. Also, their IT is terrible & their accounts extractor only works when the wind blows in the right direction.

    They are a rip off- do not use them for invoice finance.

  7. Arrogant and unhelpful. Unwilling to change anything that we put in place at the outset. It was costly for us to leave. Avoid.

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