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I have written here previously about the losses suffered by peer to peer lenders Assetz Capital and Archover due to the actions of Mark Runiewicz. The article can be read here.

The peer to peer lenders provided Marks businesses, UK Exim Limited and UK Exim Finance Limited with funds that were to be used to support SME’s with trade finance facilities. In summary, it appears that Mark lent money to a business called Packaged Water Limited that was owned by his partner Mary McErlain. The lenders suffered multi million pound losses and Archover described it as a fraud.

After a petition for the bankruptcy of Mark Runiewicz put forward by Assetz Capital, Mr Runiewicz was declared bankrupt at the County Court in Birmingham on 19 January 2021. The bankruptcy order can be seen here

People within the business finance community have advised that Mark Runiewicz is still advising businesses on transactions and he seems to be still employed at Convertibill. He was operating via SC Advisors Limited where he was described as ‘Principal Consultant’



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