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If you have been declined for an invoice finance facility what can you do? Well I guess to provide an accurate and short answer I would need to understand why a facility had been declined however we can look at some general advice:

  • If it is because you operate in a particular sector such as construction it is worth looking for a specialised lender.
  • If it is because your business is too large or too small for the lender you approached use the market place and look for an alternative that actively targets businesses of your size.
  • if it is because of adverse credit history of the business or the directors look at alternative lenders but it is wise to be totally upfront and honest. Explain what happened, why it happened and why it won’t happen again.
  • if it is because of financial performance look at other lenders. Not all lenders are concerned with financial performance.
  • If you have looked for invoice discounting but have been declined perhaps you would qualify for another type of facility such as CHOC’s or factoring.
  • You could always consider asking for a reduced prepayment level.
  • Consider asking a lender to cap your facility to limit their risk.
  • Can you offer additional security to show the lender you have confidence in the business?

It is important to remember that all lenders have different criteria so it is worth shopping around. Smart Factoring Quotes would be happy to undertake a market review and advise you of your options.

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